PassMe - Automated identity screening for fast customer verification

Increase your product conversion with fast and secure KYC verification.

International compliance authorities certificates

Applied to any industry
Achieve compliance, reduce fraud and build customer trust across all industries around the world.
  • Crypto exchanges
  • Financial sector
  • Services sector
  • Е-commerce
  • Fintech startups
  • Auction houses
  • Insurance companies
  • MFI
  • Financial structures
  • Jewelry business
Our coverage
We cover almost the entire world with our services, with the exception of countries from sanctions lists, we work with all types of documents with MRZ.
  • 180+
  • 99,9%
    Correct face identification
  • 15 000+
    Sources for сhecks
Iran, Russia, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Belarus, Sudan, Cuba, Myanmar, Libya, South Sudan, CAR, Lebanon, DRC, Yemen, Somalia, Nicaragua, Guinea-Bissau, Eritrea, Bosnia and Herzegovina
We offer three tailored plans: Basic, Business, and Enterprise, designed to maximize cost efficiency. Enjoy increasing discounts with more verifications you purchase.
Price per 1 check
0.75 USDT
Total to pay
750 USDT
Documents that we can verify
We check all user documents that have a Machine Readable Area on them.
System of data checking
The system has a large list of organizations, the data on which is checked. In case of finding a match in the database, the user form displays a brief description of the reason for being in the list and all additional information, which can be checked if necessary.
How it works for your business
To start using our PassMe solution from your desktop and mobile app, you only need a few simple steps:
  • 1
    Registration and verification at E-Gates
  • 2
    Singnig of a cooperation agreement
  • 3
    API and NPM connection to your business
  • 4
    Purchase of сhecks according to your plan
  • 5
    Track your business key metrics and analytics with our top-notch E-Gates Admin Toolbar
NPM package integration
After the quick integration of the NPM package, businesses are able to rebrand the interface to their styles. By doing so, users go through the KYC process in the business app, positively impacting the user experience of your customers.
Validating requests with Face Recognition allow us to quickly identify fraudsters and quickly block them, protecting against DDoS attacks.
Ways to store customers' data:
  • PassMe, with access to user data through the E-Gates interface, so you don't have to worry about GDPR.
  • Using an API connection, store data about your customers on your resources, with access to them through your admin panel.

How it works for your customer

It takes just a few simple steps for you to start using our PassMe solution:

  • 1
    Register on your platform
  • 2
    3 minutes to submit data for KYC verification
  • 3
    No more than a 10-minute wait with the results of the check